Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Configuring SciTE for JavaScript on Ubuntu 12.04

At work I use the SciTE editor quite a bit. With that stated, at work we use Microsoft Windows XP, soon to move to Windows 7, as the standard operating system. In any event, during a break I created a JavaScript test file to determine the best way to sort via a JavaScript Date.

All well and good at this point. Then I brought the JavaScript file home where my entire house has nothing but Ubuntu as the choice of operating systems for both desktops as well as laptops and netbooks. I quickly realized that I did not have my SciTE editor configured to execute JavaScript files on my Ubuntu desktop. Doing some quick poking around I found that I could use my installation of Node.js for the JavaScript engine. So, here is what I did.

First, I opened the /usr/local/scite/ file. I then noted that at line 436 it was looking for the GTK cross platform tookit in the for of: if PLAT_GTK
I added the following config setting below that line:
command.go.*.js=node $(FileNameExt)

I then closed the /usr/local/scite/, open the SciTE editor, opened the JavaScript file, hit the F5 key to run the file and I was good.

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