Friday, March 11, 2016

Free MeteorJS hosting is dead...long live free MeteorJS hosting.

Just got an email yesterday from that read, "We know many of you have enjoyed the free hosting service. In a perfect world with infinite resources, we’d invest to keep this separate legacy infrastructure up and running. Unfortunately, delivering free Meteor app hosting has become extremely expensive and technically unsustainable. If there is a cost effective way to deliver free Meteor app hosting in the future, we may explore it but it’s not on our roadmap. For now, we’re 100% focused on making Galaxy the best deployment option for professional Meteor developers." has provided a great service for learning MeteorJS. Also to their credit, within that same email, they state, "If you’re only looking for free hosting, we recommend using a combination of free services from Heroku and MongoLab. Here are links to some community article...." and offer a link to Philipp Müns' post on how to deploy a meteor app to Heroku's free hosting for developers at

In short, the post is well written, succinct, and easy to follow. My thought is this post will get visited a good deal now that is no longer offering free hosting for developers. Oh well...change is one of the few constants in our space, time, and matter environment. Free MeteorJS hosting is dead...long live free MeteorJS hosting.