Thursday, July 12, 2018

Synthesis (learning and growing) is not Easy

What does the title mean by Synthesis? Ever heard of Hegel’s Dialectic? For Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the dialectic method of historical and philosophical progress consists of (1) a beginning idea called a thesis, (2) a competing and opposite proposal of that thesis called the antithesis, and (3) a synthesis whereby the two conflicting ideas are reconciled or “synthesized” to form a new and more advanced idea.

Isn’t that the idea of learning? To take your current ideas and put them against opposing viewpoints to achieve a better understanding?  

Here is an example of the dialectic method used in an English class:

As you can see from above, a thesis or viewpoint on a topic is not always correct. If we know that there are things to be gained from Hegel’s Dialectic, why don’t we do it more often? Simple. It is hard on us psychologically and it is mental and emotional work. When the antithesis is introduced to us from a social media post or something we have just read then there is struggle and pain to achieve synthesis.

When the antithesis is introduced to us from a social media post...then there is struggle and pain to achieve synthesis.

When your identity and thinking is on the side of or beholden to a particular thesis, considering the antithesis is difficult. You have to take time and make effort to consider antithetical viewpoints. You have to overcome preconceived ideas about those who hold the antithesis. This is not easy. No wonder we protect ourselves by surrounding ourselves with those who think like us. This is also know as an "echo chamber" where we hear the same things repeated on a continual basis.

No wonder we protect ourselves by surrounding ourselves with those who think like us.

To help in this, you must trust that once the process of synthesis is completed, or even in the painful process, you gain in various areas. First, you become more empathetic. You better understand what "they" have been feeling and thinking. Next, you learn that the topic being considered is not as simple as you originally thought. Moreover, you also better understand those complexities. However, as was previously stated, there is an element of discomfort when you hold something as true and then consider the opposing viewpoint. In short, it’s not easy but more than often, worth it.

... there is an element of discomfort when you hold something as true and then consider the opposing viewpoint. In short, it’s not easy but more than often, worth it.

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